

Steinenschanze Stadthotel
Steinengraben 69
CH - 4056 Basel

The Place to be - in the Centre of Basel

The Steinenschanze Stadthotel is Just 5 min. walk away from the old town/center Barfüsserplatz ln the middle of the town instead of far away

  • 10 minutes walk from SBB
  • 2 minutes by Bus number 30
  • 6 minutes to the Shopping-paradise

Reaching us by Public Transport from the Airport:

Bus number 30 SBB (Switzerland) or
Badischer Bahnhof (Germany)
Or 10 minutes walking

There is a direct bus connection from the airport to the Swiss railway station SBB
Take bus number 50
At the railway station it is possible to take bus number 30 (one direction: Badischer Bahnhof
After 2 min. - stop "Steinenschanze” - you leave the bus and our hotel is on your right, 10 metres away

SBB timetable

SBB special baggage offer

SBB discount tickets and day cards

Parking Possibility: Parkhaus-Steinen

We would like to inform you that there are no car parks belonging to the hotel. When you arrive by car, you can drop off your luggage or do a quick Check-ln. We will explain the way to the Parkhaus Steinen vis-a-vis to you.

Costs = CHF 25.00 for 24h.

Motorway - from France

Drive to the end of the moton/vay (customs) Then follow the City signs, drive past the Spalentor (medieval City gate) When you reach the Helvetia-Insurance company building take the left-hand lane, turn left at the traffic lights and continue for about 50 meters until you reach the hotel.

Motorway - from Germany or Zürich/Berne/Luzerne

Take the Basel City/South exit. Then follow the signs for Kantonspital, take the underpass next to the Post building and cross over the viaduct. Turn right at the first traffic light and drive back for about 50 meters until you reach the hotel.

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